TRNA 2021 Community Flea Market
Saturday, September 25, 2021 from 7am - 12pm
at Cross of Hope Church Parking Lot
6104 Taylor Ranch Rd NW
Albuquerque, NM 87120
Get Directions
Cross of Hope Church is located on Taylor Ranch Rd., between Montano and Golf Course/La Orilla, across from the Don Newton Taylor Ranch Community Center. Due to COVID-19 Regulations, anyone entering the church must wear a mask.
It wouldn't be a TRNA flea market without; Hot dogs, doughnuts, coffee, and more!!
Can you spare an hour? Volunteers Needed!
Many volunteers are needed to make this happen - people to help set up, man the TRNA tables, and help clean up after the event. Please contact Terri Spiak at 505-879-4995 to volunteer.
Vendor Information
Reserve Your Spot
To reserve a parking space to sell or to volunteer, please CALL or TEXT Terri Spiak at 505-879-4995 or E-MAIL for more information.Vendor Checklist
Call Terri Spiak for questions or concerns at 505-879-4995 or e-mail Subject line: FLEA MARKET.
Many Thanks!!
We extend our appreciation to Cross of Hope Church for allowing us to use their parking lot for this important community-building event!