Welcome to the Taylor Ranch Neighborhood Association
For over 40 years, TRNA has been one of the largest and most active neighborhood associations in New Mexico and has won numerous awards at local and state levels.
TRNA represents Taylor Ranch to City, County, and State Governments and is recognized by the City of Albuquerque through the Neighborhood Recognition Ordinance, which allows us to obtain notifications of impending issues that may affect your life in Taylor Ranch.
Remember that TRNA is your community association. Your support is needed to continue to promote, protect, and improve the quality of life in Taylor Ranch!
* * * Special Announcement * * *
Saranam Update - Important
Dear Taylor Ranch Neighbors,
Everyone has been curious and waiting patiently for an update on the progress of the first phase of Saranam’s ADC Family Campus. Everything is now in place, from supply for the build to fully funding the campus. It is exciting to be on the cusp of actually being able to furnish and move families into theirs and our new home!
The long-awaited electrical disconnects have arrived and at the time of this writing have been installed! Once PNM energizes the site we will work with the City for final inspections to receive the Certificate of Occupancy (CO) of the first ten residential units on the north end of the property. We believe we will have occupancy by mid-September!
Once we have that certificate, all of our teams and volunteers will mobilize to furnish, decorate, move offices, and process another round of family applicants to choose a new cohort to begin their journey at Saranam. We have a three-week plan for all of these operational and programmatic processes. We are not, however setting/publishing exact timelines and dates until we do receive the CO – but watch and listen! Once we have the required certificate, we will be moving quickly!
We will have a grand opening for the new campus when everything is complete, estimated in Spring of 2025. Phase two includes staff offices and donation center near the south end of the property along Montano. Buildings have been placed, plumbed, insulated, framed and still need to be finished out. We hope to obtain occupancy for these two buildings early November. Phase three includes the remaining portions of the campus – renovation of the existing building into a beautiful family and community center, playground, community gardens and the remaining 13 residential units. Everything is finally moving quickly and will be complete very soon!
We are excited to be offering a private tour to our Talyor Ranch Neighborhood Association friends on Saturday, September 21 from 11:30-12:30. Please meet us in the Mesa View United Methodist Church classroom at 11:30 to begin. We will have a brief overview and then have a guided tour of the campus, answering questions along the way.
We are so very excited to be on the precipice of moving into our new campus! We are excited, too, for you to join us in making it our new home together!
This is really happening!!
Thank you,
Tracy Weaver
Executive Director, Saranam
If you haven't had the opportunity to view this informative and uplifting documentary on our Taylor Ranch neighborhood, please take the time now to watch it on the City's YouTube channel.
Hello Taylor Ranch Neighbors
The debut of TRNA's episode of Neighborhoods at a Crossroads last month was an unqualified success. Tony and Bazz were delighted to present their 45 minute film, two years in the making. From exploring our unique history to examining the many challenges we've successfully undertaken to sharing our community passion, viewers felt our story was well told.
If you missed the July premier, the video is now available on the City's You Tube Channel.
Click below to view.
Every movie premier deserves balloons and freshly popped popcorn.Anticipation is building.The audience was fully engaged throughout!
Every movie premier deserves balloons and freshly popped popcorn.Anticipation is building.The audience was fully engaged throughout!
News, Events, Updates and Upcoming Events
Scholarship Fundraiser Save the Date - October 5, 2024
Community Planning Area Events
Back in March at our annual meeting, City of Albuquerque Area Planner Dustin Kiska gave us a presentation on Community Planning Areas. Twelve areas were established under the terms of the ABC Comprehensive Plan. Planning staff works with stakeholders in each area in an ongoing cycle to identify and recommend changes to policies, regulations, and implementation projects. TRNA boundaries encompass two areas: the North West Mesa and the West Mesa. The flyers below show upcoming events all our neighbors are encouraged to attend. This is an opportunity for our voices to be heard in the shaping of our community going forward.
Special Announcements
Saranam Updates
Virtual 2024 Open House
Although this event has already passed, please click on the links from Day 1 to Day 5 to view their open house week video clips.
You can also click on these links to learn more:
Taylor Ranch Neighborhood Boundaries
According to the TRNA by-laws, the TRNA boundaries are the Rio Grande River on the East, the lava flow and escarpment (Petroglyph National Monument/Open Space) on the West, Paseo del Norte (NM-423) on the North, and Western Trail/Namaste on the South. Click here to view the Integrated Development Ordinance (IDO) for zoning regulations
Donate to our Land Use Fund
Help our neighborhood with current preservation initiatives by donating.
Here is the latest information regarding the proposed Housing Forward zoning changes:
Our Sponsors