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President:        Diana Shea



Vice President:  Jarred Langhals


Secretary:        Teresa Aguilar



Treasurer:         Therese Saunders


Committee Chairs

Land Use/Beautification:  René Horvath

Flea Market/Scholarship:  Louis Garcia


Facebook/Public Safety:    Steve Epstein

Website:                         Teresa Aguilar

Membership:                    Stephanie Johnston


Social Media:                   Nikkie Baum

Newsletter:                        Diana Shea


West Side Coalition of Neighborhood Associations (WSCONA) Representatives:

                                       René Horvath

                                       Evelyn Rivera

Bylaws:  Revised 10.03.23 Pursuant to Special General Membership Meeting.

PLEASE NOTE:  TRNA is a 501(c)(4) Non-Profit Corporation categorized as an “Other-Social Welfare Organization” in the rules of IRS.  As such, donations made to TRNA are NOT deductible on personal income tax returns as a charitable donation.  From Publication 557, IRS website “A community association devoted to preserving the community’s traditions, architecture, and appearance by representing it before the local legislature and administrative agencies in zoning, traffic, and parking matters”.

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